Thursday, November 13, 2003
sorry for the delay. after reading through all the input we got in response to our call for winkyshock word of the day suggestions, one thing has been made perfectly clear: you know all the words already. all the english words, that is. so it's time you start brushing up on your japanese. took a few semesters in high school, know enough to order off the menu and find the bathrooms, sure, but isn't it time you really got back into it? we'll start with something simple:
that means good. it's pronounced "ee." (except when it's pronounced "yo-i," but we'll save that.)
here are some example sentences to get a better idea. what's that? the word "good" appears in hardly any of the sentences? wuss. why don't ya go learn spanish or something.
that means good. it's pronounced "ee." (except when it's pronounced "yo-i," but we'll save that.)
here are some example sentences to get a better idea. what's that? the word "good" appears in hardly any of the sentences? wuss. why don't ya go learn spanish or something.
