Wednesday, November 19, 2003
we'd like to thank everyone who signed up for our smoking cessation seminar, "get your butts out!" we're sure that the unfortunate behavior exhibited by the majority of participants will not be repeated at the next weekly session. one would not think it necessary to remind participants, adult participants, that it is not appropriate to fidget noisily and bolt for the door while a guest is speaking. no "butts" about it - is three hours too long to ask adults to sit still and pay attention?
while we're on the topic of health, this is directed to those of you with teenagers at home, or with temps and interns working in your department. before they get any crazy ideas about sticking holes in themselves, we recommend you show them this sobering cautionary, and oddly circuitous, piece. what is wrong with people these days? and why can't they just get to the point?
while we're on the topic of health, this is directed to those of you with teenagers at home, or with temps and interns working in your department. before they get any crazy ideas about sticking holes in themselves, we recommend you show them this sobering cautionary, and oddly circuitous, piece. what is wrong with people these days? and why can't they just get to the point?
