
Thursday, December 04, 2003

some things apparently do need to be reiterated, so let's all take a moment, shall we, to review the employee handbook's policy on speaking with members of the press. the media. in case you for some reason do not have a copy of your handbook immediately accessible, you will find a photocopy of the relevant sections photocopied and attached. to summarize, do not talk to the media. about anything related to this company, or anything. do not have drinks with the media. for godsake, don't marry anyone involved with the media. in fact, we would prefer it if you kept your media consumption to a minimum - no newspapers at your desks, and preferably not at your homes. you'll note that for your protection and productivity, news sites have been blocked on your computers. the tv in the conference room has been locked on the cartoon channel. ignorance is bliss, and we at winky shock value nothing more highly than happy employees.

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