Friday, January 09, 2004
gosh! is it always this cold here?
nah. only when it's not sweltering. you'll learn to bring a few layers. did they really hold you up all day in hr yesterday?
yeah, it was an orientation and a lot of waiting around. but i'm excited to get started. thanks for showing me around!
no problem. walking around keeps the blood going. go ahead and put your coat down in your cubicle - i know we'd rather keep them on, but they feel like it's bad for morale or something.
ok. no, um, hook or anything?
nope, we just drape 'em over the top. or in our laps, if the AC is too high or the heat is too low.
so, over here is the copy machine. you need to give it about five minutes to warm up. and also usually a smack or two helps. let's see, there used to be a shelf in here to collate papers and stuff, but now you pretty much have to steal a computer cart from the tech guys, or take everything back to your cubicle and sort it out there.
right. ok.
here is what we call the pantry. the microwave is a little sensitive, somehow it seems to make just about anything explode - maybe you can find a way to set it lower. i splattered a full cup of coffee in there, on the same day as a corned beef sandwich.
you can't even imagine what an exploded corned-beef sandwich looks like. it was awful. the entire inside of the microwave was coated with little chunks of greasy, red meat. it was like someone had put a chipmunk in there. and wouldn't you know, by the time i got back from getting paper towels from the bathroom, there was an angry note on there asking everyone to please be considerate and clean up their own messes. i mean-- sorry. i don't mean to go off. sometimes this place just-- anyway. the coffee machine.
right. very important!
it doesn't work. see this skinny little copper pipe? it's supposed to be hooked up to something. presumably to some kind of water supply. it's not. it probably never will be. there's a machine on three, but i think there's some kind of mold growing in there. i recommend the machine--
on five?
at starbucks.
i see.
nah. only when it's not sweltering. you'll learn to bring a few layers. did they really hold you up all day in hr yesterday?
yeah, it was an orientation and a lot of waiting around. but i'm excited to get started. thanks for showing me around!
no problem. walking around keeps the blood going. go ahead and put your coat down in your cubicle - i know we'd rather keep them on, but they feel like it's bad for morale or something.
ok. no, um, hook or anything?
nope, we just drape 'em over the top. or in our laps, if the AC is too high or the heat is too low.
so, over here is the copy machine. you need to give it about five minutes to warm up. and also usually a smack or two helps. let's see, there used to be a shelf in here to collate papers and stuff, but now you pretty much have to steal a computer cart from the tech guys, or take everything back to your cubicle and sort it out there.
right. ok.
here is what we call the pantry. the microwave is a little sensitive, somehow it seems to make just about anything explode - maybe you can find a way to set it lower. i splattered a full cup of coffee in there, on the same day as a corned beef sandwich.
you can't even imagine what an exploded corned-beef sandwich looks like. it was awful. the entire inside of the microwave was coated with little chunks of greasy, red meat. it was like someone had put a chipmunk in there. and wouldn't you know, by the time i got back from getting paper towels from the bathroom, there was an angry note on there asking everyone to please be considerate and clean up their own messes. i mean-- sorry. i don't mean to go off. sometimes this place just-- anyway. the coffee machine.
right. very important!
it doesn't work. see this skinny little copper pipe? it's supposed to be hooked up to something. presumably to some kind of water supply. it's not. it probably never will be. there's a machine on three, but i think there's some kind of mold growing in there. i recommend the machine--
on five?
at starbucks.
i see.
