
Friday, April 30, 2004

mr. varges, i need to speak with you about your facilities people in my--

yes, varge, that's what i said. varge. now mr. varge, the issue at hand is that i went into our ladies' room and found that not only did the lights barely work, but that there were men in there.

yes, i understand that they were "fixing the lights" but what i need you to understand, mr. varges, is that that is the ladies' room. we can not be expected to stand for walking in there and finding men up on ladders. particularly when the room is dangerously darkened as it was.

no, now i am not accusing your men of anything. but it is inappropriate, and i demand that, going forward, it not happen again. and for godsake, get those lights fixed immediately!

mr. varges, what i "propose" is that it would be your job to answer that question, not mine.

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