Wednesday, June 30, 2004
think I’m having a stroke.
what’s wrong?
look at this email.
from roger?
How'd you know?
funky text, right? his are all like that. he sends around jokes to all the guys every few days. someone finally told him to stop using blue text on a yellow background, so then i think he discovered text effects.
ugg. why is this even an option? when would anyone ever need their email to look like this? more to the point, why am I on roger’s joke list?
must consider you one of the guys, lucky girl. wait til you get the friday one. it's usually a visual.
lucky me. isn’t there some kind of idiot filter option on this thing?
c’mon, what would ever make it through, then?
true enough. i thought you didn’t get email, by the way?
yeah, it just started working one day. same day that my name started coming up on my caller id instead of the lady who used to sit here. somebody must have flipped a switch somewhere or something.
right, sure. the master telecom switch. whatever, that's good i guess though, right?
i guess. i always kind of liked knowing that people’s phones said Cynthia Snit whenever I called.
take our thrills where we can.
think I’m having a stroke.
what’s wrong?
look at this email.
from roger?
How'd you know?
funky text, right? his are all like that. he sends around jokes to all the guys every few days. someone finally told him to stop using blue text on a yellow background, so then i think he discovered text effects.
ugg. why is this even an option? when would anyone ever need their email to look like this? more to the point, why am I on roger’s joke list?
must consider you one of the guys, lucky girl. wait til you get the friday one. it's usually a visual.
lucky me. isn’t there some kind of idiot filter option on this thing?
c’mon, what would ever make it through, then?
true enough. i thought you didn’t get email, by the way?
yeah, it just started working one day. same day that my name started coming up on my caller id instead of the lady who used to sit here. somebody must have flipped a switch somewhere or something.
right, sure. the master telecom switch. whatever, that's good i guess though, right?
i guess. i always kind of liked knowing that people’s phones said Cynthia Snit whenever I called.
take our thrills where we can.
