
Thursday, September 30, 2004

god, this is such bullshit.

mg, you're not strengthening our core values. i think i'm obligated to report you.

yeah, go on, jay. then you can report on the team-building value of a black eye.

attention all employees:
going forward, we would like to draw your attention to a reminder that all email activity is required to be business related. violations of this policy will not be tolerated. non-directly-work-related commentary on work-related email is also not a part of our corporate culture, and does not contribute to the strengthening of our core values. thank you.
now back to work.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

kwesi, why'd you freak out when you saw that delivery guy yesterday? i know he's a little sketchy, but...

that guy! i told you he looked familiar.

from where?

from banging on my apartment door at two in the fucking morning looking for my roommate.

no way. why? what, was he trying to deliver something?

put it together, genius. he's a delivery guy.

at two am?

jesus, christopher, do i have to spell it out? delivery! i thought south america, like, invented that shit.

uh, jay, by the way?

hmm, do i know you? do you work here?

quit it! i just wanted to ask, why did you ask if i got a haircut? does it look like i got a haircut?

oh, nah. it's just, when girls ask if they look different when they don't, it usually means they got a haircut.

hey, jay?


do i look different today?

um, did you get a haircut?


uh, not really, then.

you'd say i look more or less like i've looked for a while.

yeah, i guess. i mean, you look fine, you always look fine, but--

no, no, this isn't like a girl trick question. my damn building pass expired at midnight yesterday. apparently. so i scanned it like i've been doing every single day for the last three years, but i banged right into the little arms that are supposed to go down.


yeah, of course my coffee splattered. for once i was glad for the nasty weather, because i was wearing a raincoat and the coffee just got on that. but anyway, i look up at the guard, like i've been doing every single day for the last three years, and i'm like, hey, it's me, can i go through, and he just looks at me like i'm a homeless person trying to break in.


so i hold up my pass and i'm like, uh, there's a problem with my pass, can you buzz me in? and he's like, i'll need to see some ID. and i'm like, well, this is my building ID. and he asks who i'm going to see. uh, me? my cubicle? then he asks for my extension and starts to dial it!


shockingly, no one answers. possibly because i'm standing in front of him. so i said, look, i work here. i've been working here forever. i see you every day! and he's like, did you have another form of ID? so for some reason my old driver's license that expired three years ago gets me buzzed into the building. and the guy still has no recollection that i've ever been there.

huh. so what's that sticker?

oh, yeah, and then i got a visitor's pass.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

'scuse me, nina around?

i don't know, i think she's in-- you!

oh, sorry, man. sorry. bye.

Monday, September 27, 2004

kwesi! what are you doing, man?


you disappear on friday and come in at the end of the day today?

don't bug me.

it's not like we do jack, but people were wondering where you were.


well, i was. i was bored. where were you?

trying to sort out this shit with my roommate. it's completely outrageous. crackhead! i can't believe i have to deal with this.

i know i really shouldn't.

you're welcome to. help yourself. that's why i put 'em out.

but, i shouldn't. i really shouldn't. i've been so good lately, you know. i've been drinking my coffee with sweet n low and half and half.

i thought you gave up coffee, joanne?

well, i did. but then i found out, they did a study, you know. they found out that coffee actually boosts your metabolism. and if you drink it with half and half, the coffee works extra hard to burn off the extra fat in the cream, and then it continues to work that hard to burn off other calories. and the sweet n low has no carbs, so that's good for you.


so as long as you don't take in any carbs when you drink it, it's actually better for your health. so i said to myself, i said, if one cup can burn a few calories, imagine what a few cups would do! so now i drink three to five cups a day. with half and half, of course. that's the key, you know.

but isn't the fat in the--

so, maybe i could have just one. you know, to give the coffee something to burn off.

Friday, September 24, 2004

hey, mg!

hi, roger.

you know, i figured out, there's two kinds of people in the world.


you're supposed to ask what they are. don't you want to know?

not really.

come on! try!

um, people who don't care what you're talking about, and you?

what? no. it's, people who get it, and people who don't.


get it?


see?! sweet! it works!

Thursday, September 23, 2004

umm, christopher?


um, when you said before, 'weird,' uh...


you didn't mean, like... um, kool-aid weird, did you?

yup. that's the one. kool-aid weird.


goodness, i can't believe how swamped we've gotten. are you doing ok, dear?

yes, joanne, lots to do, but it's all coming along.

everything does seem to just get busy all at once. i was just saying to myself, i said, it just goes to show you, that old saying's right. if it's not raining, it's pouring. well, have a good one!

hey, christopher.


where's kwesi?

dunno. actually, i think he went to answer a call on his cell.

oh, ok. i just finished writing up evaluations for you - just have to ask you to fill out this little form about your internship experience here. if you could pass this on to him, too?

ok, no problem.

christopher, also, i've been wanting to ask you something, if you don't mind?


well, you're from guyana.


but you seem so...


uh, yeah.

actually, been asked this before.


no problem. see, actually, my parents were sort of hippies in san francisco. and they kind of got involved in this thing and went down there in the late seventies.

mm hm.

it was cool at first, but my mom got pregnant with me right before everything started getting really weird.


uh, yeah. once they realized they were going to have a kid, they weren't so into the whole thing anymore. then when things got really weird there, they took off. and because of all that, they felt like they couldn't really come back to the states, so them and some of the other parents who ditched out of the group all lived together and raised us.


they're still there, and they're fine with it, but the country actually isn't doing that great, so they wanted me to come to college here. i was a few years behind with the school stuff, so that's why i'm a few years older than other college kids, but it's cool.

huh. that's interesting. hmm. well, give kwesi that form when he gets back, ok?

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

mg, i need you to come in here a minute.

sure, nina.

i need to write a letter evaluating the DARPs' performance here. apparently they're going back to college or something soon.


and since you have done such a very acceptable job of de facto overseeing their progress, i thought i'd let you write the evaluation.

um, i'm actually up to my neck in the quarter-end--

great. so if you could just wrap that up and have it for me by the end of the day, that would be perfect.


oh, and on your way out, would you be a lifesaver and just throw my latte in the microwave? for 55 seconds.

um, i guess.

and then you can just bring it back here on your way back past.

but i sit over--

perfect. thank you.

ok, can i get your EID?

your EID number?

that's only four digits. what's that, your social?

i don't need your social. i need your EIDN.

umm, your employee ID number? you are an employee, right?

an intern? did interns suddenly get network privileges? i don't think i can help you.

how can i network you to a printer if you don't have network privileges?

how can i tell if you have a color printer or not? am i in your office?

ok, what you can do is have your supervisor send over an email detailing your request. they can request a temp-EID for you so you appear on the system, and then once it's processed and issued we can look into your network situation.

no, i can't just tell you. can you 'just tell' me what's down the hall in my office? same deal. was there anything else i can help you with today?

Friday, September 17, 2004

toodle-loo, mg, any plans for the weekend?

not really.

oh, go on, what i would give to be a single young lady in this city. i bet you have all kinds of exciting plans. i bet you think an old lady like me wouldn't understand, but you'd be surprised! when i think back to myself about myself when i was your age, my goodness! i know how it is! you can tell me.

really, i don't think i'm doing too much. probably do some netflix tonight, they're kinda piling up.

oh, my. i guess i really don't know what the kids are doing these days. well, dear, whatever that is, have fun and be careful!

er, thanks. you too.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

morning, vinnie. how ya doing?

you would not believe.

what's that?

you would not believe.

what happened?

unbelievable. i'm on the subway and it is so crowded. and this woman is like, 'excuse me.' and it's too crowded to move, so i'm like, 'excuse me.'

uh oh.

so i could see it was about to get ugly and i had not had enough coffee yet to get ugly. she's all about to open her mouth again, and as i'm rolling my eyes, i realize, under all the lip gloss, she used to be this drag queen i used to know. so i'm like, 'frank! frankie!'


and she completely pretends not to know me. she looks around, all nervous, and i'm like, 'so you went through with it! you had the operation!' and she's like, 'i don't know what you're talking about. you're in my way.' and i'm like, 'um, ok, play it that way.' because i don't have time for a closeted tranny at eight am, and i said that. i did. so everyone is looking at each other and at her, and she pushes back the other way.


drama. so, anyway. after all that, what i really need is a long soak. and what i get is a post-it note on my monitor that says 'where's the report?' anyway. how was your trip in?

i sloshed a little coffee on my hand and i was kind of put but about it, but now, i think it was pretty ok.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

hey, kwesi, how's it going with that data entry project from last week?

ok, i guess.

you sure?

yeah. but...

what's wrong? it's ok.

you said to enter stuff from this printout into the four separate spreadsheets, right?


and it's the same information each time, right?


well, each spreadsheet that i'm entering it into is set up differently.

uh huh?

like, on the first one the phone numbers were first and then the social security numbers. so i did that, right? and then on the next one, the order was switched, but i didn't realize it. so i entered everything like before, but then i realized it was all backwards. and since these were by state instead of by last name, i couldn't paste them from the first one. then the next one was in the same order as the first one, but the area codes were in a separate field from the rest of the phone number, so i still had to enter each one individually.

yeah, it's kind of a pain.

and, like, the last one, i don't really understand this, but each digit of the social security numbers goes into its own field?

er, yes.

why do you need four separate spreadsheets that all have the exact same information, but it's all put in a little different?

um, yes. that's an insightful question, kwesi. i guess it comes down to, um, different systems were set up by different people and each one serves a slightly different purpose, so,

you don't really know, do you? it's one of those things that just doesn't make sense, right?

um, yes, that's an insightful way of looking at it.

so why do you do work if it doesn't make sense? why don't you try to fix it so it makes sense? you could propose consolidating all the spreadsheets into one system. you could suggest standardizing everything. wouldn't that make it easier for everyone?

well, yes, that would be a good idea.

so you should do it! i'm sure if you suggested it, they'd see that it makes more sense that way! it can't be easier to just keep doing it the wrong way. it just wouldn't make sense.

yes, um, i think you've brought up an important point.

Monday, September 13, 2004

uh, mg?

yes, what's up, christopher?

i finished alternating the directory entries with navy blue text, but i'm not hooked up to the color printer.

color printer?

yeah, it doesn't show up on my options.

do we have a color printer?

don't you? leah said this had to be printed out in color.

hmm. i've never seen one. maybe, call tech support? of course, i've never really seen them, either.

excuse me, are you leah?

um, yes?

i finished this, uh, your wallet directory.

my wallet directory? what is my wallet directory? is this a joke?

uh, no. the list of names?

names? wallet names? i'm sorry, do you even work here? i don't recognize you.

yeah, actually, i'm an intern. mg said you wanted me to update this list of names and numbers and print it out on a wallet-size card? my name's--

ohhhh. you're the DARP. i have been waiting for this directory for like two months.

uh, sorry. i actuallly just got it the other day.

well, let me see it! um, where's the color?


where's the original? give me that. see? the lines alternate, navy and black ink.

they do? i didn't... oh, yeah. i guess they kind of do. it's all so small that it's sort of hard to see the diff--

how is anyone supposed to read this if all the lines are the same color? do i have to do everything myself around here?

Friday, September 10, 2004

hey, mg! what's wrong? you look all like blah.

yeah, you know. the whole... thing.

you mean september eleventh?

um, yeah. i guess. yeah.

you know what? i figured it out. you know what's funny about september eleventh?

for godsfuckingsake roger, i think you should just--

it's, nothing. i figured out, it's the only day there's nothing funny about.

oh. yeah. ok. i'll give you that. sorry.




shut up. i have a question.

do you want me to shut up or do you want me to--

quit it! i'm serious. do you have access to the shared drive?

nope. i don't think so. why, do you?

no. i asked for the password before and they told me it was 'restricted.'

ok. so? do you want access to the shared drive?

well, no. not really. but the DARPs have it! and nina hates them. so why do they have it?

c'mon. they're college kids. they're supposed to be all smart with computers. if your average college kid can't bust our passwords, i've got no hope for the next generation. remember ferris bueller?

yeah, but he just read it off a piece of paper in the main office.

you think ours is anymore secure? it's probably just tacked to someone's monitor on a post-it.

also, he's not real.

still. i think it holds up.

hey, christopher. bad news.

what happened?

oh, just that wallet-size directory thing. leah, um, couldn't find the original. so i'm afraid you'll just have to go through it by hand. sorry.

oh, no, that's ok. i actually found it on the shared drive.

really? you did?

yeah, why?

no, that's great. cool. um, so i guess, just shrink it down and all set. thanks.

no problem. uh, i didn't do anything wrong, did i?

no, no, not at all.

hey, leah, you know that departmental directory that you wanted the intern to do?

does this mean it isn't finished yet?

um, yeah. the thing i asked you about yesterday. did you find the electronic version of the new list?

why would i have that?

didn't you make the original one?

look, i don't really have time to go sorting through old computer files to save time for some DARP. did he have something better to do than what we asked him?

well, it's just that it's hard to compare the old one and the new one the way they're set up. and if there's a print out, there must be an electronic one somewhere, so it would just make sense--

he needs to just type it in. and by the way, this was supposed to be finished like two months ago. so i'll need it right away.

completely! i've gotten to the point where i just go by the nails. hold on a sec? winkyshock, how can i help you?


i'm sorry, do we what?

deliver what?

um, no. not that i'm aware of.

for pick up? no. i mean, you could, but.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

um, sorry to bother you--

no problem, christopher, what's up?

well, this departmental directory. it's kind of hard to see who's new and all, because both lists are in a different order but neither one is alphabetical--

yeah, i think they made it in order of where people sat. before.

oh. so, i'm not sure if i'm leaving people off. also, the wallet-size one is actually so small i'm afraid i'm spelling the names wrong on the new document. so i was wondering if you found out where the original electronic version of the new list is, so i could work off of that.

yes, i did ask leah yesterday. she was in charge of getting it made before. she said she didn't know where it was, but she's looking for it. or she said she is. i'll check back with her later. i hate to ask you this, but maybe you could get started on that stack of photocopying in the meantime?


Wednesday, September 08, 2004

hey, mg! do you have any push pins? clear ones?

yeah, i think so. why? don't you have any?

yeah. i have lots. but mine don't work.

what do you mean they don't work?

they're all different colors.


so, they only go in a tiny way, then they fall out or they kind of break or bend.

because of the colors?

it must be. i figured it out. because rob has all clear ones, and his work fine. but i have all multi-colored ones, and they all fall out.

um, roger, what are you tacking them into?

into the wall over my desk, just like rob. and just like you. see? you have them there.

roger, the wall over my desk is made of... cubicle. it's soft. it's meant to have pins in it. your wall is made of wall. you need to use a bulletin board if you want to tack something to it.

if you don't want to give me any push pins, that's cool. you can just say so.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

hey, were you guys able to get started on that stack of work i left for you?


i know it was a lot. nina left it for me to leave for you. i hate to throw it at you guys, but she said she wouldn't sign your letter of satisfactory completion or whatever unless you guys finished all this stuff.


i didn't really get to look through it all, but did you have any questions?

um, this little card that it says to update?

yes, that's the departmental directory. they made it wallet size so we could have it near by at all times.

is it supposed to match the names on this normal size page?

yes, that's the updated directory. you just have to change the names that are different now. they gave out these cards almost a year ago, so there are a few changes.

is there any chance we could work off the electronic copy of this list instead of retyping everything?

that's a good question. i don't know where the file is saved, but i'll try to find out for you.

because it looks like there are a lot of names that are different.

um, yes. that's called turnover. we have a lot of it. i'll check on that file for you.

hi, kwesi. hey, christopher.


um, christopher, can i ask you a really stupid question?


you're from guyana, right?

yes, i grew up there.

well, that's... ok, i'm sorry to ask but, that's in south america, right?


ok, that's what i thought. because someone else here brought it up and there was some confusion in the coffee room. more than the usual, i mean.

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