Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Here, MG. If you want to sign this. Everybody else signed it.
What's that, Alana? And hi, happy new year to you.
Happy new year. If you're still celebrating. It's a card for Joanne. I guess you heard.
Alana, I'm not 'still celebrating.' Just being friendly to my coworkers -- a new year's resolution I was toying with. Possibly misplaced. But, heard? What happened?
I thought everybody knew. Maybe you didn't even notice she hasn't been here?
I noticed. I guess I just didn't read too much into it. What happened?
It's really horrible. Especially on vacation, everyone just trying to have a nice time, and then a loss like this, completely unexpected.
Oh, my god. Did she have family over in Asia?
Why would she have family in Asia? No, it was in her own home. You remember that sweater she was wearing, with all the little reindeer noses that lit up?
Um, yeah?
She left it on a chair overnight, and, this is so awful.
Did a niece or nephew get tangled up in it?
Worse. Her cat chewed through the wiring inside it. She found him in the morning, all his poor little fur sticking straight out.
Oh my god! From just a little tiny sweater battery?
She had rigged the whole thing up to her cell phone charger somehow to try and get the lights brighter. I'm not really sure. But the important thing is that she's grieving, and everybody else has signed the card and donated something to get flowers. But if you don't want to...
No, no. Of course I'll sign a card. For donations, though, if we're going to collect money, I was actually thinking of putting together a collection anyway, and all making a donation together to--
Look, if you don't care, you don't have to be a part of this. I just thought it would be a nice gesture to think about someone else for a change.
What's that, Alana? And hi, happy new year to you.
Happy new year. If you're still celebrating. It's a card for Joanne. I guess you heard.
Alana, I'm not 'still celebrating.' Just being friendly to my coworkers -- a new year's resolution I was toying with. Possibly misplaced. But, heard? What happened?
I thought everybody knew. Maybe you didn't even notice she hasn't been here?
I noticed. I guess I just didn't read too much into it. What happened?
It's really horrible. Especially on vacation, everyone just trying to have a nice time, and then a loss like this, completely unexpected.
Oh, my god. Did she have family over in Asia?
Why would she have family in Asia? No, it was in her own home. You remember that sweater she was wearing, with all the little reindeer noses that lit up?
Um, yeah?
She left it on a chair overnight, and, this is so awful.
Did a niece or nephew get tangled up in it?
Worse. Her cat chewed through the wiring inside it. She found him in the morning, all his poor little fur sticking straight out.
Oh my god! From just a little tiny sweater battery?
She had rigged the whole thing up to her cell phone charger somehow to try and get the lights brighter. I'm not really sure. But the important thing is that she's grieving, and everybody else has signed the card and donated something to get flowers. But if you don't want to...
No, no. Of course I'll sign a card. For donations, though, if we're going to collect money, I was actually thinking of putting together a collection anyway, and all making a donation together to--
Look, if you don't care, you don't have to be a part of this. I just thought it would be a nice gesture to think about someone else for a change.
