Friday, February 11, 2005
MG, Jay told me you're a vegetarian.
True, Roger.
Okay, sweet! So you can probably help me with this idea I've been working on.
No, I probably can't.
Okay, so you know how there's dolphin-safe tuna?
Well, I want to put out a whole line of dolphin-safe foods. Dolphin-safe bread, dolphin-safe ham, dolphin-safe pudding...
Roger. The point of dolphin-safe tuna is that no dolphins are hurt or caught when they catch the tuna. They use special nets.
Exactly! And no dolphins would be hurt for any of my products! Except my overhead would be lower, because I wouldn't have to really change anything. I don't think. So what do you think, would you buy dolphin-safe ham?
No, Roger. Because, remember? I'm vegetarian.
Even if no dolphins were hurt making it, though?
True, Roger.
Okay, sweet! So you can probably help me with this idea I've been working on.
No, I probably can't.
Okay, so you know how there's dolphin-safe tuna?
Well, I want to put out a whole line of dolphin-safe foods. Dolphin-safe bread, dolphin-safe ham, dolphin-safe pudding...
Roger. The point of dolphin-safe tuna is that no dolphins are hurt or caught when they catch the tuna. They use special nets.
Exactly! And no dolphins would be hurt for any of my products! Except my overhead would be lower, because I wouldn't have to really change anything. I don't think. So what do you think, would you buy dolphin-safe ham?
No, Roger. Because, remember? I'm vegetarian.
Even if no dolphins were hurt making it, though?