
Wednesday, April 20, 2005

MG! Check you out in your new digs!

Hey, Jay. Not bad, right? I still can't believe it's true. Hey, do you want any of this stuff?

What, Rob's old stuff? What did he leave?

God, what didn't he leave? Look at this!

Wow! All his action figures!

Yep. And a whole drawer of little bags of forks, soy sauce, and mustard.

Oh, yeah. Rob and Roger and I always used to order Chinese.

There's some Advantage:Male vitamins, origami throwing stars, and a whole cup of pens that are mostly dried out. I just threw out a styrofoam cup that had a congealed layer of brown in the bottom. All his little phone numbers and to-do lists are still stuck around the edges of the monitor, and there was like a half-inch layer of dust on all of it.

Wow. It's like one of those zombie movies where all the people just suddenly vaporize and leave everything where it was.

Or like, did you ever see the website that Russian girl made, where she goes around Chernobyl ghost towns on a Japanese motorcycle with a geiger counter mounted on the front, and takes pictures of all the abandoned schools and houses?

Um, no, MG.

You should check it out. It's eerie. Dead zone, or something. Anyway. This office is kind of like that. Kind of. But probably, you know. Less radioactive.

Hope so. I’ll take my chances with those vitamins, if you don’t mind. And maybe me and Roger can split up the action figures. I mean, if you don’t want them.

Knock yourself out.

You’ll probably want to hold on to the ninja stars, though.


Yeah, you know how those girls are. I heard them by the coffee machine. Sounds like not everyone’s super-psyched that you suddenly have an office.

What do you mean? What did they say?

Ah, nothing, MG. You know how they are. Ooh, would you mind if I grab that set of salt and pepper shakers? I was there the day he swiped those from McDonalds.

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