Thursday, May 26, 2005
Good morning, Nina. I was just wondering if there was anything you wanted me to do.
Hello, MG. Let's see-- MG, you're not wearing your security kit around your waist. Where is it?
Oh. No. I'm not. It's in my office. I figure maybe I can go, um, grab it or something if I need it.
Do you really think you'd be able to go and get it if there were an emergency? Really? Do you? Seriously.
Um, seriously? Not really. Seriously, since you asked? I doubt that it would do much good. I shouldn't say that, I guess, I mean--
No, MG, I think you're absolutely right. They're bullshit. Everyone's running around with these things strapped on like they're on a sinking ship and those are their life preservers. When the fact is that they're not going to make a lick of difference, and they make us all look like idiots. I'm supposed to set some kind of example because I'm the director, and I can't stand it. God, sometimes I wish I could be like you. No responsibility, and you don't seem to really give a fuck if you get in trouble or not.
It's not that, I just--
No, it is that. And I envy you. I've never been like that. Of course, look where it got me. Big office, nice clothes, assistants, mounds of-- what have you. But I'll just bet you're not that much unhappier than me, even without all this shit.
Um, right. I was just wondering, you kept mentioning before, you wanted me to go through all those old files, and I haven't really had too much to do lately...
Oh, that. Joni the wonder-secretary took care of all that. That girl is so good at this BS that it's a little bit frightening. Scary. She'll probably have my job before long. Not that I would miss it.
Nina, are you... okay?
Yeah, I'm fucking great. I'm going to step outside for a minute.
Hello, MG. Let's see-- MG, you're not wearing your security kit around your waist. Where is it?
Oh. No. I'm not. It's in my office. I figure maybe I can go, um, grab it or something if I need it.
Do you really think you'd be able to go and get it if there were an emergency? Really? Do you? Seriously.
Um, seriously? Not really. Seriously, since you asked? I doubt that it would do much good. I shouldn't say that, I guess, I mean--
No, MG, I think you're absolutely right. They're bullshit. Everyone's running around with these things strapped on like they're on a sinking ship and those are their life preservers. When the fact is that they're not going to make a lick of difference, and they make us all look like idiots. I'm supposed to set some kind of example because I'm the director, and I can't stand it. God, sometimes I wish I could be like you. No responsibility, and you don't seem to really give a fuck if you get in trouble or not.
It's not that, I just--
No, it is that. And I envy you. I've never been like that. Of course, look where it got me. Big office, nice clothes, assistants, mounds of-- what have you. But I'll just bet you're not that much unhappier than me, even without all this shit.
Um, right. I was just wondering, you kept mentioning before, you wanted me to go through all those old files, and I haven't really had too much to do lately...
Oh, that. Joni the wonder-secretary took care of all that. That girl is so good at this BS that it's a little bit frightening. Scary. She'll probably have my job before long. Not that I would miss it.
Nina, are you... okay?
Yeah, I'm fucking great. I'm going to step outside for a minute.
