Friday, June 24, 2005
Joni, oh my god. My period.
What's wrong, Leah? Is it... late?
No. Not really. It's, like, doing that thing where it kind of starts but then not really? You know what I mean? It's like, I wipe, and there's this little bit of blood, and then there's none, and I'm like, hello? Is it here or is it not?
I've never had that happen. My personal delivery of red roses comes like clockwork. My monthly subway card ends the day before it starts each month, so then I know - the next morning, eight o'clock.
Eight o'clock?
Give or take an hour.
Joni, you are too much. My boyfriend always says, he says, "Leah, how come you don't know exactly when it starts?" And I tell him, I know basically when its gonna start, but I always tell him, it's not like you can tell to the minute! And he's always like, "Well, you better make sure you let me know. Cause I don't want any surprises, you know." And I'm like, "Sure!" because can you imagine how totally gross that would be?
Ew. Oh my god. My fiance would die. Not to mention my sheets.
I know, right? So, now I'm like, do I put in a tampon, or do I wait? You know?
Tampons! Oh, no. Leah, I couldn't do that. It's pads all the way for me! Thank god for pads.
Are you kidding? Joni, I can't believe you. I haven't used pads since eighth grade. I was freaked out, but my mom was like, "Forget it, Leah. You don't need to walk around in a diaper. You take this, you stick it in, you can just forget about it."
Oh, not me. I never liked the sound of it, like you said, sticking it in. I couldn't. You're brave, Leah.
Yeah, that's what my boyfriend says. He's always like, "I'm a cop," because he's a cop, and he's like, "I'm a cop, and I've seen some blood, but I'm not gonna go sticking my hand in my own blood. I don't know how you ladies do it," that's what he always says.
Well, I'm with him on that one. Ew. Seriously.
What's wrong, Leah? Is it... late?
No. Not really. It's, like, doing that thing where it kind of starts but then not really? You know what I mean? It's like, I wipe, and there's this little bit of blood, and then there's none, and I'm like, hello? Is it here or is it not?
I've never had that happen. My personal delivery of red roses comes like clockwork. My monthly subway card ends the day before it starts each month, so then I know - the next morning, eight o'clock.
Eight o'clock?
Give or take an hour.
Joni, you are too much. My boyfriend always says, he says, "Leah, how come you don't know exactly when it starts?" And I tell him, I know basically when its gonna start, but I always tell him, it's not like you can tell to the minute! And he's always like, "Well, you better make sure you let me know. Cause I don't want any surprises, you know." And I'm like, "Sure!" because can you imagine how totally gross that would be?
Ew. Oh my god. My fiance would die. Not to mention my sheets.
I know, right? So, now I'm like, do I put in a tampon, or do I wait? You know?
Tampons! Oh, no. Leah, I couldn't do that. It's pads all the way for me! Thank god for pads.
Are you kidding? Joni, I can't believe you. I haven't used pads since eighth grade. I was freaked out, but my mom was like, "Forget it, Leah. You don't need to walk around in a diaper. You take this, you stick it in, you can just forget about it."
Oh, not me. I never liked the sound of it, like you said, sticking it in. I couldn't. You're brave, Leah.
Yeah, that's what my boyfriend says. He's always like, "I'm a cop," because he's a cop, and he's like, "I'm a cop, and I've seen some blood, but I'm not gonna go sticking my hand in my own blood. I don't know how you ladies do it," that's what he always says.
Well, I'm with him on that one. Ew. Seriously.
