Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Vinnie. I'd ask if you're just happy to see me, but I know better. What's going on down there?
Oh, MG. This. My emergency flashlight. This whole evacuation kit thing is getting into my head. I think it's the heat.
The heat's getting to me, too. What's that have to do with a flashlight in your pocket? Trying to impress someone?
Very funny, miss gutter-mind. I was thinking about how asinine this whole evacuation slash terror preparedness slash scare-me-into-a-manic-state thing is, and then I thought, well, if everything does go from bad to worse somehow, it would be good to have an emergency kit nearby. Then I was looking through the kit and I thought, well, will bandaids really do any good? Will I really need a personal biohazard bag? But, if you think about it, it never hurts to have a flashlight. Like, say we do have to go down those nasty emergency stairwells, and we can't see. I don't want to step on whatever or whoever might be in there. So then I thought, well, I made myself clear about the fanny pack problem, but it might not hurt to have a flashlight. The thought of being without it started to really stress me out. All I could think about was the lights suddenly going out, at any minute. So, I'm doing a little experiment where I'm going to carry around just the flashlight with me for a few days and see if I feel calmer.
And, do you?
I don't know about calmer. But the janitor's all of a sudden being really friendly.
Oh, MG. This. My emergency flashlight. This whole evacuation kit thing is getting into my head. I think it's the heat.
The heat's getting to me, too. What's that have to do with a flashlight in your pocket? Trying to impress someone?
Very funny, miss gutter-mind. I was thinking about how asinine this whole evacuation slash terror preparedness slash scare-me-into-a-manic-state thing is, and then I thought, well, if everything does go from bad to worse somehow, it would be good to have an emergency kit nearby. Then I was looking through the kit and I thought, well, will bandaids really do any good? Will I really need a personal biohazard bag? But, if you think about it, it never hurts to have a flashlight. Like, say we do have to go down those nasty emergency stairwells, and we can't see. I don't want to step on whatever or whoever might be in there. So then I thought, well, I made myself clear about the fanny pack problem, but it might not hurt to have a flashlight. The thought of being without it started to really stress me out. All I could think about was the lights suddenly going out, at any minute. So, I'm doing a little experiment where I'm going to carry around just the flashlight with me for a few days and see if I feel calmer.
And, do you?
I don't know about calmer. But the janitor's all of a sudden being really friendly.
