Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Well? Leah?
Joni, oh my god, I am freaking out.
Okay, I brought you a cup of my secret special blend. So you can relax, and let's figure this out. What's going on?
Oh my god, I'm not even sure. Does this have sugar in it?
Shh, shh, it's a secret blend. You'll like it! Just try it!
Okay, because I really can't have sugar.
No problem!
I'm serious. Sugar makes me get all bloated, then I crash. Like a total sugar crash. Like, last week, I got home and I was kind of tired and my boyfriend totally asked if I had sugar. He was like, "Leah, did you have sugar?" Because I was all out of it. Oh my god, my boyfriend! Joni!
Okay, just tell me about it. I'm sure it's going to be okay. What you two have can't be torn apart by just sugar.
I know, totally. But his ex-wife keeps sneaking around there. This weekend she came over while I was there and just walked in with her own keys like she still lived there! I was so freaked out. I was like, "what is she doing here?" And she was like, "what is she doing here?" And he was like, "Just shut up, the both of yous!"
Oh, my god, Leah.
So she's like, "Get out of my house!" Like it's even still her house. And I'm like "Whatever!" And she's like, picking up her cellphone like she's going to call someone, and my boyfriend is like, "Okay, okay, everyone just relax." Because what's she going to do? Call the cops? He's already a cop! Duh. So, I'm like, "Fine, I'm leaving." And I totally just leave.
Good for you! Did he come running after you?
No, that's when she pretends suddenly like she's having stomach pains, so of course, since she's pregnant, he's all, like, trying to take care of her. So I just left, and now I don't know what's going on.
Oh! You haven't talked since?
No, we talk. Please. I'd kill him if he didn't call. But sometimes I just feel like he's not serious enough about this. Like, why does she still have his keys? Why does she still have all her stuff there?
I'm sure it's just a process. It takes time. Like, with my fiance, it took time before we moved in together.
So, you guys have fights and all that, too?
Oh, no! We never fight. He loves me too much. Oh. But that doesn't mean your boyfriend doesn't love you! Everyone loves differently. Have some more of my coffee!
Joni, oh my god, I am freaking out.
Okay, I brought you a cup of my secret special blend. So you can relax, and let's figure this out. What's going on?
Oh my god, I'm not even sure. Does this have sugar in it?
Shh, shh, it's a secret blend. You'll like it! Just try it!
Okay, because I really can't have sugar.
No problem!
I'm serious. Sugar makes me get all bloated, then I crash. Like a total sugar crash. Like, last week, I got home and I was kind of tired and my boyfriend totally asked if I had sugar. He was like, "Leah, did you have sugar?" Because I was all out of it. Oh my god, my boyfriend! Joni!
Okay, just tell me about it. I'm sure it's going to be okay. What you two have can't be torn apart by just sugar.
I know, totally. But his ex-wife keeps sneaking around there. This weekend she came over while I was there and just walked in with her own keys like she still lived there! I was so freaked out. I was like, "what is she doing here?" And she was like, "what is she doing here?" And he was like, "Just shut up, the both of yous!"
Oh, my god, Leah.
So she's like, "Get out of my house!" Like it's even still her house. And I'm like "Whatever!" And she's like, picking up her cellphone like she's going to call someone, and my boyfriend is like, "Okay, okay, everyone just relax." Because what's she going to do? Call the cops? He's already a cop! Duh. So, I'm like, "Fine, I'm leaving." And I totally just leave.
Good for you! Did he come running after you?
No, that's when she pretends suddenly like she's having stomach pains, so of course, since she's pregnant, he's all, like, trying to take care of her. So I just left, and now I don't know what's going on.
Oh! You haven't talked since?
No, we talk. Please. I'd kill him if he didn't call. But sometimes I just feel like he's not serious enough about this. Like, why does she still have his keys? Why does she still have all her stuff there?
I'm sure it's just a process. It takes time. Like, with my fiance, it took time before we moved in together.
So, you guys have fights and all that, too?
Oh, no! We never fight. He loves me too much. Oh. But that doesn't mean your boyfriend doesn't love you! Everyone loves differently. Have some more of my coffee!
