
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

After a week off, MG, nobody else seems to have any problem getting here on time.

Good morning, Alana. I've been here for an hour already. And it was fine, thank you. How was your week off?

I chose to come in and tie up a few odds and ends over the optional week off.


Of course. With unpaid leave, it's your option what you do with it. It's in the handbook. You always have the option to keep coming in and getting paid at your regular rate. And for your information, I came by your office three times earlier and you were not here and the light and the computer weren't even on, so there's no use saying that you've been here for an--

Alana. I've been down in the basement with security since nine o'clock. Something happened with my employee ID card, and I had to go through this whole big line to pick up a stack of paperwork, and--

So, basically, you didn't renew it when you were supposed to.

And it took half an hour longer than it should have because they were trying to call up to your office to get authorization and there was no answer.

Well, it's not my responsibility to wait by the phone to put out fires caused by people not doing what they're supposed to do in the first place.

No, I guess snooping around to see which offices have their lights turned on is more your primary thing.

What was that? Did you say something, MG?

No, nothing.

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