Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Vinnie, can I see your ID card?
Sure, sugarpea. Though I'm not sure you can handle the beau-ty!
Always a danger, but I'll take my chances, Vin. Hand 'er over.
See? That's totally fine. Normal. Except for whatever it is you're doing with your eyebrow there. But it's fine! There's space around your head. Look what they did to me!
Wow. Extreme close up.
They took it so my face fills up the entire box!
Hmm. That's awful. You need to start using a pore mask. I do it minimum twice a week, or once, absolute minimum. Cucumber, lavender oil, nutmeg, and sour cream. And a teensy splash of gin.
Gin? Gin is good for your skin?
I don't know. But the smell reminds me of the good old days. And it also stings a like hell after I've shaved, so it's kind of a reminder to stay away from it. It works both ways. Like your ID card. You can own it, like, "I am the queen of the world, and one little picture box isn't enough for me!" and it's also like "hello, don't forget the astringent!"
Um, thanks, Vin.
Sure, sugarpea. Though I'm not sure you can handle the beau-ty!
Always a danger, but I'll take my chances, Vin. Hand 'er over.
See? That's totally fine. Normal. Except for whatever it is you're doing with your eyebrow there. But it's fine! There's space around your head. Look what they did to me!
Wow. Extreme close up.
They took it so my face fills up the entire box!
Hmm. That's awful. You need to start using a pore mask. I do it minimum twice a week, or once, absolute minimum. Cucumber, lavender oil, nutmeg, and sour cream. And a teensy splash of gin.
Gin? Gin is good for your skin?
I don't know. But the smell reminds me of the good old days. And it also stings a like hell after I've shaved, so it's kind of a reminder to stay away from it. It works both ways. Like your ID card. You can own it, like, "I am the queen of the world, and one little picture box isn't enough for me!" and it's also like "hello, don't forget the astringent!"
Um, thanks, Vin.
