Wednesday, October 12, 2005
MG, tell me I am hallucinating.
Good morning, Alana. Yes, thank you. I just got these earrings yesterday.
What? I didn’t say anything about earrings. I said tell me I am seeing things. Because I see boxes here and I know I—
Yes, well, someone came up from the mailroom to deal with them, but the batteries on the—
Alana – sorry to interrupt MG – but, Alana, there’s a phone call for you. I don’t know who it is but they’re all like, it’s totally urgent.
Okay, Leah. I’ll be right there. MG, I’ll be back in a minute with a non-compliance form for you to fill out. This is serious now.
Okay, Alana. I’ll be here. Non-complying.