Friday, September 30, 2005
Sorry, Jay, can't. Waiting for someone to come up from the mailroom.
When are they supposed to come?
They were supposed to be here by now. They said by eleven. But when I call, they keep saying someone's on the way.
I'm sure as soon as I step out they'll come up, then who knows when I'll be able to get another appointment.
You need appointments?
I know! That's the thing, though. They won't give you an actual appointment, they just say that someone will be up "soon."
Okay. Want me to grab you something?
Nah, I'm sure they'll come in a minute, then I'll duck out.
Okay. Good luck.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Yes, someone was supposed to come up and take a look at a shipment that's been in my office?
Um, for a while.
Like, several months.
I just need them to take a look at it and see who it's for?
I don't know. I'm hoping you might be able to tell me.
I don't know that, either. Hoping to find out.
Right, exactly. A few months. Maybe, three? Four?
Um, it just didn't really come up before now.
Yes, I know. I just, I actually talked to someone down there yesterday, and it sounded like it wouldn't be a problem for someone to come up and check it out, and I was just wondering what time that might be.
Ticket number? I don't think I got one.
There was no original copy. It was just, verbal. Over the phone.
Okay, could we consider this my request?
Oh. Should I email it, then?
But you're just two floors down.
Okay, okay. What's the fax number?
Great. I'll send it right away. And when should I expect someone? This is kind of urgent.
I know, I know. It just... it wasn't urgent for the last four months but now it is.
Okay. Thanks. I'll do that.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Um, anyone would be fine.
A name? I'm not sure I know anyone specifically... oh. How about Chris. Christopher.
Thank you.
Hello, Chris? This is MG, remember? From your internship?
Yeah, that's right. Ha, ha. From the messy cubicle. Well, I have a little office, now, but yeah. So, um, wattup, dog?
Uh, I mean, how's everything? You, um, keeping it real?
Ok, anyway. I was just wondering, I have a few boxes, um, up in here, up in my office, I mean, and their shipping labels are kind of, um, whack, see, so, I was wondering if someone from the mailroom might be able to scan them and get the shipping information off them so we can tell, sort of, who all sent them and all?
Yes, that's right, exactly like you said. The information is obscured because the labels are incomplete. So do you think someone could come up and take a look?
That would be, uh, radical. No, fresh. Um, the shiznit? Anyway, thanks, Christopher. I'll see you later. Respect?
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Ha. Hey, Vin. Yeah, these same stupid boxes. She said to just toss them, but that doesn't seem right, right? How can I figure out what's in them?
Hold on a minute. Hmmm.
Are you petting them, Vin?
I'm trying to get a sense of their vibrational energy. I get a sense that it's some kind of books or printed material.
I got the same sense when I could barely lift them. And they don't make any noise or anything. Weird that they're unmarked, right?
Did you try looking at the tops for shipping info?
Look, Vin, the tops are blank.
MG, these are the bottoms. They're all upside down.
They are?
Mm hm. Just look at the tape. Nobody turned them over?
Um, no.
Well, let's see. Here we are. They all have shipping bar codes.
Vin, you're a genius!
Well, I can't read the bar codes. And they don't give off any vibes. But maybe one of the mailroom boys can use one of those little laser zapper gun thingers and see what they say?
And if that doesn't work, just send them to me.
The boxes?
No, honey, the mailroom boys.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Not bad, MG. Hung out outside a lot. You?
Yeah, totally. I keep going to outside brunches and bars because I always think it's going to be the last nice weather, and I know I should really do laundry, but I can't afford to spend the last warm summer Saturday inside, right? So I keep going to the park and I have like a month's worth of laundry piled up.
Hm. You could just get up early and get it over with. That's what I usually do.
I try not to get up early for anything, especially laundry, Jay.
What about at night?
I never feel like it at the end of the day.
So you're waiting til the weather's bad to do your laundry?
Some people save money for a rainy day, I save laundry.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Fine, thank you, Alana. And yourself?
What? I'm sure I told you to get those boxes out of here.
I know.
So? What are those?
Well, that's just the thing. I don't know what they are. They're all sealed, and they don't say what's in them.
And so?
And so I don't know what to do with them if I don't know what they are.
Well, just throw them out, then.
Yeah, but they're like brand new boxes. They don't even look like they've been opened. What if it's something important?
Well, I don't know. It's your responsibility to figure it out. In fact, it was your responsibility three days ago when I first asked you. End of the day today, or I'm going to have to write this up. And you know I don't want to do that.
No. Of course not.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
What is it, MG?
I don't even know. It's a bunch of boxes that showed up on the empty desk in here a few months ago.
Should probably try to find out where it all came from and see who's supposed to deal with it.
That's brilliant, Jay.
Just seems like the obvious thing.
You're totally right. Something about working here for a few years has made me forget to even try the simple, logical answer.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I'm fine, thanks, Alana, how are you today?
Fine. Didn't I tell you to clear all those boxes out of your offi-- your temporary office?
So? Why are they still here?
Because I put them out in the hallway by the freight elevators and I got yelled at for putting things in the hallway without authorization.
Well, you have to find something to do with them. Remember when I told you someone was coming to share your office?
Well, they're not. So we need room in here.
Nobody's coming, and that's why you need room in here? I don't--
You will. Just have these gone by the end of the day.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
What's that, Joni?
Like you said, I found some stuff to bring in. You said heavy stuff was better, so I dug up some old winter coats.
Oh, perfect, Joni.
And I think you're totally right. Because it really is starting to get chilly.
I know. I think about those poor people who don't even have winter coats, you know? Anyway, I guess you can just leave them on top of the pile in the hallway. Be sure to sign the card, too!
Monday, September 19, 2005
I know, Leah, I saw that! I held my breath when I walked by, because I was afraid they were going to stink!
Joni, they don't stink. If they stank, we could smell them from here.
I know, but it looks like huge piles of trash bags!
I know it does, but it's like, rags, or something.
You guys, it's not trash. It's donations.
Donations? Alana, what are you talking about?
Didn't you guys get the email? It's donations, for the hurricane. It's part of our corporate responsibility program. It makes the company look really good when we all give stuff away.
And it, you know, helps people. So if you guys have any old clothes or anything that you don't wear anymore, or, Leah, that don't fit anymore, you should totally bring them in tomorrow. The whole company is having a contest and it goes by weight. So if you have anything heavy, definitely bring it.
O-kay, Alana. Thanks-bye. Oh my god, Joni, did you hear that? Did you? What did she mean by that? What did she mean, "That don't fit you anymore?" Is she saying I'm fat? Because my boyfriend says I am perfect just the way I am.
Leah, you are so not fat. Seriously.
Friday, September 16, 2005
What's that, MG?
Stuff for the hurricane relief thing. I had this bag of clothes at home that I've been meaning to give to Goodwill or whatever forever and I never got around to it. I'm glad they're donating from here.
Oh, yeah. I brought in some stuff, too. Do you think they can use old shoes? My aunt gives me a birthday check for shoes every year, but I always end up buying almost the exact same kind, and they don't really wear out that badly. They're a little scuffed, but I don't really need five identical pairs of black shoes, right?
I'm sure they can use them, and I'm sure they're fine. But what do we do with them?
I was going to ask you. I guess just hold on to them, and someone will collect them, or tell us what to do with them, right?
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Winkyshock, Inc. is proud to unveil our signature corporate fund-raiser drive for the people of New Orleans: "Jazz Relief, Winkyshock!" Tomorrow through Friday, bring in canned food and clothes to send there. Of course the company considered ways to provide "matching" donations, so upper management has decided that on the corporate end, we will provide Winkyshock branded plastic bags to ship your donations in, with a special "Jazzy Winkyshock" logo.
Our top graphic design contractor provided the logo at half their usual price as their own contribution to the hurricane relief. We hope that you'll reach deep into your closets, cupboards, and hearts and bring in a real "flood" of donations!
Now, back to work.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
What happened, Leah?
Because of all these hurricanes, there are all these names that I can't even consider for when me and my boyfriend have a baby.
Oh my god! You're having a baby?
Not now. But I'm sure we will. His ex-wife-slash-still-current-wife-slash-ho-bag is giving birth soon to lord knows whose baby, so he'll probably want to think about having his own soon after that, right? And then there's all these names that we totally can't use! They should name hurricanes after, like, Chinese names or Mexican names or something. Then nobody would have to worry about it.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Oh my god, Leah, I know.
My boyfriend is a cop, and he was like, "That is messed up." He was like, "I'm glad I'm not a cop down there. It's like the projects times a thousand," he said.
I know. I feel so bad for all those poor people. I sent a check. My fiance and I used the first check from our joint account to send money.
You got a joint account? That's so awesome!
I know, right? Do you guys have one?
No, not yet. He's still technically married, so it's like, we have to wait. And his ex-wife is still writing checks from that account. He's like, "My wife is still writing checks from that account. I can't have two women writing checks out of my money, Leah." So, every time she writes a check, he has to put a stop on it.
Wow, what a hassle, Leah. I feel bad for him.
I know. But you know who I really feel bad for? My cousin. Her name is Catarina. Everyone's making jokes about her name. Because it's like Katrina, you know? I feel so sorry for her.
Monday, September 12, 2005
MG, can I confess something to you?
Sure, Vin. What’s the matter, hon? You look kind of rattled.
Rattled, tattled, smattled. Whatever you want to say, yes. I don’t know how to think about this.
What happened? What did you do?
I didn’t do anything.
That’s just it! I didn’t do anything! Yesterday, I did my Sunday morning crystal breathing. Then I had my Sunday latte, which is double, with cinnamon. I did my ironing, stopped by Claude-Jay’s to get my eyebrows done –
I thought they looked nice.
Oh, thank you, don’t they? He does such amazing work. Anyway, I went to the farmer’s market and picked up some organic mini-eggplants which I whipped into a magical pasta dish. I ate with Fred, then I did that mask that I was telling you to try that I see you haven’t yet, and then, that was it.
Okay. Sounds okay. Why the big sigh?
I didn’t do anything. You know, to commemorate. I never turned on the TV or radio all day and MG, I wouldn’t have believed that I would ever ever ever say this, but – I have to whisper it - I forgot. I remember when I thought there would never ever be a day that I wouldn't think about it, and then on the anniversary, I didn’t even think about it once. I woke up this morning and I was like, “Oh my god! I missed September eleventh!”
Ohh. I see.
The worst part is, I even knew a few people. Not really well, but I still knew them. I feel so, so horrible.
Aw, Vin. Don’t beat yourself up. It means you’re healing. It’s not such a bad thing. It doesn’t mean you don’t care about them.
Did you do something for it?
I almost did the same thing as you. But when I finally dragged myself outside, without even thinking about it, I thought, “Wow, the sky and the weather feel just like – oh. It actually is.” Apart from that, it might’ve passed me by, too.
Okay. I guess that makes me feel a little better. Maybe Joanne’s on to something with her crying eagles and terror cookies.
Hm. I don’t--
Nah, you’re right.
Friday, September 09, 2005
What's that, Joanne?
Patriot cookies.
Patriot cookies? Oh, I see. They're little double American flags.
MG, I was trying to think, what would be the best shape of cookies to make for Patriot day. And I was thinking of an eagle of course, but I made a batch and all their little beaks and claws got burned. But no great loss, because it would be too hard to do all the little feathers with icing. So, I said to myself, think, Joanne! Then I thought, WWLB - What would Laura bake? And then I got it! See, if you look this way, it's two American flags, billowing straight out, right up one on top of the other. But turn it like this, and ta-da! It's the twin towers. With flags painted, well, iced, on them, of course. Unless you just turn them around and look at the back, then they're just plain. But, see! What do you think?
Oh, and no need to thank me for putting the flag and the eagle on your door. Just trying to be a good citizen - and a good co-worker! Go ahead and take two cookies, if you want. A little extra dose of patriotism never hurt anyone!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Looks like an eagle, MG. Crying.
I know. I can see that. What is it doing on my door?
You didn't put it there?
Okay, didn't think so.
I guess it's some kind of... reminder?
Well, it says 'Never Forget.'
Sure does.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Hi, Joanne. About what?
MG, okay, I don't mean this as an accusation, I really don't, because we all celebrate in our own ways, and I know that everyone is different. And I don't want to draw the worst conclusion, I really don't. Because despite what everyone says about you--
Well, okay. This is so hard to bring up. Well, it's just that I noticed, you don't have your Never Forget sign up on your door. And I thought at first, I thought, well, I'll give her time to get settled into her new office. But then time went by, and the sign didn't go up, and it's just that now it's getting close, so I thought it was time to bring it up.
My what?
Never Forget!
Forget... what?
Oh, goodness, MG. I didn't want to believe it was true! I just can't--
Sorry, Joanne, I have to take this call. Can we talk about it later? Thanks.